Highlights - Szwajcaria Saksońska
W Szwajcarii Saksońskiej znajduje się wiele zabytków. Tutaj znajdziesz mały wybór.
Popularne hotele, pensjonaty, domy wakacyjne i apartamenty w minionym sezonie
Oferujemy noclegi w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie parku narodowego. Apartamenty i hotele mają regionalną atmosferę i gwarantują relaksujący wypoczynek w Górach Łabskich

01824 Gohrisch
Pfaffendorferstraße 89
phone: 035021 6230
90 beds + additional bed
Pfaffendorferstraße 89
phone: 035021 6230
90 beds + additional bed
double room per day: 89€
single room per day: 58€
single room per day: 58€
Genießen Sie die Atmosphäre eines familiengeführten Hotels, in dem Sie als Gast im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der Hotelkomplex Margaretenhof bietet alles, was Sie von einem Zuhause im Urlaub erwarten. Die 5.000 m² große hoteleigene Parkanlage lädt zur Entspannung und Erholung ein. In absoluter Ruhe und an der reinen gesunden Luft können Sie hier auf einer Parkbank oder im Liegestuhl am Teich zu sich finden und einfach einmal die Seele baumeln lassen. Die Großzügigkeit unserer Hotelanlage, die modern und individuell konzipierten verschiedenen Räumlichkeiten erlauben einen harmonischen Hotelbetrieb, der sich neben dem Individualgast auch für Gruppen, Seminare und Tagungen empfiehlt.
Für Ihre körperliche Betätigung stehen Ihnen die hoteleigene Doppel-Kegelbahn und unsere E-Bikes für Halb- oder Ganztagestouren zur Verfügung
Für Ihre körperliche Betätigung stehen Ihnen die hoteleigene Doppel-Kegelbahn und unsere E-Bikes für Halb- oder Ganztagestouren zur Verfügung

40502 Děčín 3
Rytířská 77/2
phone: 00420 736481003
53 beds + additional bed
Rytířská 77/2
phone: 00420 736481003
53 beds + additional bed
person per day: 46€
double room per day: 64€
single room per day: 46€
double room per day: 64€
single room per day: 46€
Our complex is composed of hotel with 18 bedrooms, restaurant with terrace, universal playground for many types of sports, "workout-playground", the biggest playground for children in the city and small hot-dog stand.
Our Hotel is located direct on the cycle track and near of the city center.
Our restaurant offers mostly typical Czech dishes.
Our Hotel is located direct on the cycle track and near of the city center.
Our restaurant offers mostly typical Czech dishes.

01855 Sebnitz, OT Schönbach
Martin-May-Straße 8a
phone: 035971 56011
2 beds
Martin-May-Straße 8a
phone: 035971 56011
2 beds
object per day: 37€
The vacation home facing to the south is in the ground floor of our timber building. There is a separate entrance through the garden, where also seatings can be found.

01796 Struppen
Weißig 7b
phone: 0173 4737272
40 beds + additional bed
Weißig 7b
phone: 0173 4737272
40 beds + additional bed
person per day: 14€
double room per day: 32€
single room per day: 16€
object per day: 450€
object per week: 3300€
double room per day: 32€
single room per day: 16€
object per day: 450€
object per week: 3300€
Die naturnahe Herberge auf dem Kulm mit ihrem großen Außengelände liegt im Herzen des Elbsandsteingebirges, unmittelbar am "Malerweg", am Waldrand und ganz in der Nähe von zahlreichen Kletterfelsen.
Von hier aus seht ihr den Lilienstein, die Festung Königstein und die Bastei.
Ihr übernachtet im unsaniertem ehemaligen Ferienlager im DDR-Charme mit Mehrbettzimmern und Gemeinschaftssanitäranlagen, könnt aber auch die schickeren Tinyhäuser oder eine urige einfache Berghütte oder das ganze Gelände mit Zeltplatz mieten.
Von hier aus seht ihr den Lilienstein, die Festung Königstein und die Bastei.
Ihr übernachtet im unsaniertem ehemaligen Ferienlager im DDR-Charme mit Mehrbettzimmern und Gemeinschaftssanitäranlagen, könnt aber auch die schickeren Tinyhäuser oder eine urige einfache Berghütte oder das ganze Gelände mit Zeltplatz mieten.

01814 Rathmannsdorf
Pestalozzistraße 17
phone: 035022 41768
6 beds + additional bed
Pestalozzistraße 17
phone: 035022 41768
6 beds + additional bed
object per day: 44€
Our 200 years old and beautifully reorganized 3-sides-holiday farm (secluded situation, panorama view) offers 2 well furnished vacation homes. Family-friendly, for rainy days a play barn with ping-pong table, badminton and Dart is available. Renting possible throughout the whole year. 1 vacation home offers 76 square meter (holidays object 1 per day starting from 68 Euro), 1 dwelling, 2 sleep areas, 4 to 6 persons, sauna (4 Euro per Pers.) 1 vacation home 52 square meter (holidays object 2 per day starting from 44 Euro), 1 dwelling, 1 sleep area, 2 to 4 persons, medical massages and Yoga are possible.

01796 Weißig
Weißig 18
phone: 035021/68763
16 beds + additional bed
Weißig 18
phone: 035021/68763
16 beds + additional bed
person per day: 22€
double room per day: 44€
single room per day: 29€
double room per day: 44€
single room per day: 29€
In the delightful landscape of the Elbe Sandstone Mountainss our family-led pension in calm situation lies at the local outskirts of Weißig, framed by Lilienstein, Königstein, Rauenstein and Bastei. Our historical three-sided yard from the year 1890 offers all comfort to you for a calm, recreational and varied stay. Lovingly furnished guest rooms in the country house style with TV, a large breakfast and guest room as well as the guest kitchen are available for you. In the middle of a sea of blooms on our historical farmer garden you can have a wonderful rest and enjoy the view to the Lilienstein.

01824 Königstein
Ebenheit 5a
phone: 035022 40762
5 beds + additional bed
Ebenheit 5a
phone: 035022 40762
5 beds + additional bed
object per day: 45€
At the outskirts of the national park Saxon Switzerland, directly at the base of the Lilienstein, we offer in very calm situation a Holiday flat (70sqm) for 2-7 persons starting from 40, - €/day. It consists of 2 Doppelzimmer with 2 separate Shower/WC, 2 additional beds possible, 1 living room with radio, TV, telephone, complete kitchen, central heating, terrace with BBQ possibility, parking lot at the house, restaurant 150m away. Holiday flat is very well suitable for family with children or for married couples. Favorable starting point for trips into the Saxon Switzerland, to Dresden it is 40km which takes just 45minutes with rapid-transit railway.

01824 Gohrisch
Sonnenstrasse 163 e
phone: 035021 67278
3 beds
Sonnenstrasse 163 e
phone: 035021 67278
3 beds
object per day: 40€
Our vacation home is situated air health resort Gohrisch, between Bad Schandau and Königstein on a plateau (300m above sea level) surrounded by forests. Main destinations for hiking are Gohrischstein, Papststein and Pfaffenstein can be reached by foot. Our separate vacations home (48 square meters) is in a calm side street, 3 minutes away from the forest however also close to the local centre. In Gohrisch you will find several good restaurants with a tasteful menu. A parking bay for your car is included on our property. Our Elbsandsteingebirge is worth a journey at each season, we are already looking forward to your visit.

01814 Bad Schandau, OT Krippen
F.-G.-Keller-Straße 15
phone: 035028 859600
15 beds
F.-G.-Keller-Straße 15
phone: 035028 859600
15 beds
person per day: 18€
double room per day: 37€
single room per day: 23€
double room per day: 37€
single room per day: 23€
Family-led pension, rooms at ground level, breakfast area with view to the Elbe and the Schrammsteine, 3000 square meter flower garden, direct location at the walking route “Sonnenuhrenweg”, good connection to public transportation .

01844 Neustadt i. Sa.
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 20
phone: 03596 5620
100 beds + additional bed
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 20
phone: 03596 5620
100 beds + additional bed
double room per day: 119€
single room per day: 99€
single room per day: 99€
Our *** Superior Hotel with its modern and contemporary atmosphere is ideally located in the holiday destination Saxon Switzerland. The private hotel is directly at the large city park and next to the spa and pool area "Mariba", making the Parkhotel Neustadt a perfect choice for an individual and relaxed vacation. All rooms are equipped with a bath, shower, WC, SAT-TV, radio with alarm clock, a desk and telephone. Inside the house we have a wellness area with various treatment rooms, a Finnish sauna and a quiet room.